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Video Killed The Advertising Star

I am of the generation that waited with baited breath as MTV was launched. That August I was a freshman to be in high school and MTV was targeted straight at me. It seemed fitting when "Video Killed The Radio Star" was their very first video. We couldn't imagine then that radio would ever go out of style though. Who knew?

But experience has taught me to never say never. I fight hard to keep up with what is going on in social media. It's not easy. Every few months something new is popping up. And video seems to be the latest trend. Companies are trying desperately to keep up with what their buyers want, and video fits that niche perfectly.

Now anyone in the advertising business will tell you a 60 or 90 second commercial or video can give your customer a soundbite of what you have to offer them. That's not what is happening here though. Twelve second videos appearing on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter barely say who you are. They are the ultimate teaser. But is this really effective? Are we living such a fast paced life that we can't stay still for 60 seconds? The jury is still out.

Bringing something new to the table is always the goal. But are we sacrificing our client's intelligence to constantly have to stimulate them to notice us? That is the question.

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