Do You Follow Us Online?
Do You Follow Us Online?
Such a simple question but one that no one is asking their customers anymore. When did we stop researching where our customers were coming from? Are we so focused on staying on top of the changes in social media that we forgot to connect with the person we are trying to connect to in the first place?
Social media advertising developed so fast and continues to expand into new areas everyday. Marketers will agree that keeping up can not only be difficult but stressful as well. We seem to have had the internet dropped in our laps and never once did we ask our clients do they really see where we are on the web.
There are thousands of webinars and blogs that will tell you this outlet is where your business should be. Somewhere along the line we dropped the customer's opinion out of the equation. When did we stop listening?
Now is the time to talk to our customers. Find out where they are online. Question what they look at when they are researching products and services. And yes, ask if they follow you and how. It may mean the difference between being a social media mogul or an extinct dinosaur.