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Looking Back

While everyone is looking to what 2019 will bring, I do believe it is crucial to look back at the year we are about to leave behind. Because if you don't, this can be an expensive mistake in your future.

Advertising is not an exact science. I will not even begin to think that I know everything when it comes to promoting your business. What I will tell you is that I hope that I put creative ideas, blogs, campaigns and posts together that showcase the best of what your business has to offer to your customers.

When you begin to plan your budget for marketing, take a quick look at the sales figures that occurred after every launch you used this year. Did sales increase for a product your promoted? Did it spike products that were similar or that in like with that product? (I.E. a football campaign saw a rise in helmet, cleat, and safety pad sales). Note these. But also notice what didn't work.

Did you run a radio ad about a sale on footballs and saw a very low return? You have to try different approaches, but if you are not cataloging what is working and what is not, you will continue to spend your money foolishly.

My son's grandfather was a simple man who ran a small seafood business. On the wall behind the register was a calendar. Each day had three numbers on it. What the sales were for the last year, what the sales were for five years before, and what he hoped to have on that day, that year. At first, being young and naïve, I thought this was foolish. It was only after he explained to me that with seafood being such a business of supply and demand, this was a tool he used to influence what he put up for sale, what he had made before, and what were his goals were for today.

Long before computers, social media, and spending money on blip ads, businesses used old fashion ways to get their products and services before their customers. This seems so insufficient now, but it worked for him. He paid attention to the past, to help promote the future.

In all things, what was old will be new again.

Happy New Year from Organize It.

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