Video Killed The Written Word
As 2018 came to a close, everyone was rushing to make predictions as to what would be the most popular trend in social media in the new year. And as it turned out, we all guessed correctly It is video. And video may just kill the written word.
Now before you go out looking to buy bows and arrows to shot at me, I don't mean that the written word is gone forever. Obviously, I'm writing this blog and you are reading it. But what video has done is give an instant image to go with those magical words that are not read, but spoken out loud.
In so many ways, this is wonderful. Many customers are very visual so this medium reaches them. But there is something sad though. Video does not allow you to use your imagination. When you are reading something, you can decide if the car in the ad is blue or red. Does it have two or four doors. Is it meant to impress others, or does it fit the whole family? Video takes your choices away. Your opinion of the product, service or company is even
sculpted for you. There is nothing you need to bring to the table.
Hence, video is here to stay. Customers don't have to work to decide much about what we are selling them these days. And we are better and worse for it.