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Stay On Track

It can be tough to stay committed to anything these days. From diets to advertising campaigns the key to success is not giving up. You will never reap your success if you do not follow your plan until your goals are met. All in all, you have to stay on track.

I hear it from clients all the time. A marketing campaign is created. Ideas and time lines are planned. The program is started. Everyone is invested and anxious for it to grow their business by leaps and bounds. Sometimes it happens. And sometimes it doesn't. Not right away of course.

It is rarely mentioned that Steve Jobs took twenty years to get Apple off the ground. Due to his high rate of success, no one states that it took lots of late nights and lost weekends working to get it to the giant it is today. Never the less, after a few weeks or months, most business owners get discouraged and want to scrape your whole outline. This can not only be counter productive but expensive.

As I write this, I know what I speak of from first hand knowlege. My client did not wish to spend much money, so my marketing strategy was small. Though I gave him prime examples of how long this could take to reach the general public, he insisted that my outreach should have gone further than it did. After much discussion, I explained that no one would be able to accomplish his goals. They were unrealistic and therefore unreachable.

I never like having what a client considers a failure. After much review, I truly believe that I could not have done anything else differently. Since it only lasted three weeks, there was no time to get the launch I had planned. And success only comes after staying consistent.

Just note, nothing is a sure thing. But to win the game, you have to stay in it.

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