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This Week's Spotlight Is On...

You may be overlooking a very powerful tool in your arsenal of marketing ads. If you have a special employee who goes above and beyond the call of duty, why not let the world know about them?

We have all been to a business that we frequent because of first rate customer service. That experience is usually what keeps your client coming back. So listen when someone tells you your employee does a great job and showcase that person. Whether you take a picture of them and post it on your Facebook page or put up a notice in your physical business, this makes sure that they are getting the recognition they truly deserve.

And another bonus? Everyone likes positive news. This wonderful employee will continue to provide quality encounters with your customers, your customers will see the your spotlight and want to be served by that employee, and it opens a dialogue between both of them. What can be better than that?

It is very simple. People that are recognized for what they do well will continue to do well. So remember that this week's spotlight is on that employee who goes makes you look good. Don't they deserve it?

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