Big Dreams, Big Plans
I love planning. It is a God given talent that I am able to take a project from a client and lay out a strategy from start to finish. And with the new year just around the corner, what better time to think about your dreams, which come to completion from your plans.
Marketing campaings can be monotonous when you have a client who just doesn't know what they want. They do know that they want more sales and more client traffic, but have not considered exactly what from their business will actually make this end result occur. I believe this is the time to listen to their inner dreams. If your client sells golf lessons, that is a very marketable aspect. But upon further discovery you realize they adore working with children. Well this is the direction you should go. They will be happier helping little ones improve their swing. In the end, you have a happier client.
Benjamin Franklin supposedly once said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” I truly think this is the reason ridiculously talented marketing reps do not succeed. All of the creative talent in the world is wasted if not executed properly. And when the plan comes together, the dream comes alive.
We all want our customers to have success. And with the right plan, their dreams will come true.